Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Homeland security's Report - substantial in context and scope

GOING DARK, GOING FORWARD a primer on the encryption debate.

These 25 pages are enough to make me speechless - with only 3 exceptions:
  1. There is so much happening in cyber security. There are so many opinions, facts, options and directions. WOW! If I think so, I can't imagine who among my friends and associates will actually read this report.
  2. The article posted on entitled Homeland Security's big encryption report wasn't fact-checked is another interesting read. Again, so many facts, counter facts, opinions and directions.
    My only thought here is that, I appreciate all that our governments and professionals are doing to safeguard our security, rights, and freedoms.
    The fact that there is accountability and free speech, speaks volumes about those of us who are fortunate to live in a free, safeguarded and educated society.
  3. The first point on page 6 of this report states:
Encryption plays a vital role in modern society, and increasingly widespread use of encryption in digital communications and data management has become a “fact of life.”
In regards to 'data management', sadly encryption has fallen short. The massive loss of more than 400 billion dollars per year is clear evidence of this fact, rather than the opinion.

Sooner or later (and I am betting on sooner) CORA will be recognized as the standard for data security. Unlike encryption, CORA is capable of producing "unbreakable data security".

Soon the CORAcsi Challenge 2016 will be launched to the global community. While this challenge is admittedly 'unfair', it will announce and validate this bold statement about "unbreakable data security". Stay tuned and spread the word.

Sunday, 3 July 2016

IoT needs unbreakable

ZDNet just published an article “The first big Internet of Things security breach is just around the corner”.

The IoT is projected to be worth in excess of 3 trillion dollars by 2020. Therefore, it should be obvious that it isn’t going away. Smart devices and chips will be everywhere. Yes, this is a security risk.

The challenge to the cyber security industry is to become “unbreakable”. 

Imagine the hundreds of thousands of hackers and unscrupulous employees who are spending ungodly numbers of hours and days trying to steal what doesn’t belong to them. Next imagine how many would continue to do so if they weren’t getting a piece of the $400,000,000,000 being stolen from you and me each and every year.

Unbreakable - the concept - is simple. 

Make it too costly and time intensive to “risk failing at the hack”! 
Risk money, time and potential criminal consequences, without getting “the prize” – who is going to do it? Ok, maybe the odd duck, but that is far better than the hundreds of thousands globally attempting to, and succeeding at stealing “our money”. Yes, it is our money, even if we don’t realize it. The big boys and girls aren’t going to lose 400 + billion a year without passing those losses onto the rest of us – not if they want to keep their jobs.

This is exactly why CORAcsi is unbreakable. Is it conceivable that someone might discover where all the CORA packages are stored throughout the Cloud, then breach each of the servers and networks involved, within a short window – say 5 minutes? 

Perhaps it is conceivable – and if they did, CORA would be no better than encryption. This may be conceivable, however, it is totally improbable, and will reduce the numbers attempting to succeed significantly, as failures clutter their landscape. 
Unbreakable = too costly and time intensive to risk failing at - the hack.
Unbreakable = leaving a trail (such as an employee who has access to “the catalog”).
Unbreakable = too many networks and servers to violate before a single package has been deleted.
Unbreakable = too many unknowns to warrant the cost while risking the consequences.