Sunday, 29 May 2016

Encryption - breaking the myth series - part 3

Say what?

In my original post Encryption - breaking the myth, I endeavored to use "my flavor of irony" sprinkled with a touch of sarcasm, to spark some thought and debate.

Then my lovely wife and I played with a visual presentation "Encryption - shatter the myth", and still I muse about "what are these big companies thinking?".

I imagine... they are imagining... that we can hope no one will every breach a server again. Let's make it terribly difficult to be online... so what if our employees need to use, "difficult to use" corporate laptops to "occasionally" check their email. And yet, the breaches continue.
This led to the second blog post "Encryption - breaking the myth series - part 2".
I've stolen my copy, just have to break the encryption now

One of my favorite blogs (very subjective here) is my 3'rd blog about my prime number generator. This blog references what I like to call an "Organic Sieve". Maybe it isn't perfectly clear, but lets get to the bottom line: with organic sieves, one can readily "look up" any prime number - am I the only one the realizes what this says about encryption?

Game Of... Numbers

As I continue to blog and dialog with "people", I occasionally find inspiration in the strangest ways and times. Someone I consider to be quite brilliant with technology contrasted "prime number" based encryption with "other types". Ya, how about "strong passwords"?

Just for fun, lets consider a strong password that uses 10 digits, each of which might have 72 different values (26 lower case, 26 upper case, 10 digits and some special characters). How many possible combinations are involved?
Yes, that is a big number, and that is why strong passwords are important (being force fed I suppose). That is why we often here statistics like, this strong password (above) is more than 12 billion times stronger than a password that uses 6 lower case letters.
Lets add one more perspective here, namely, one could argue that this "strong password" is on par with a 63 bit prime number used to encrypt data. Today's standards (without getting too bogged down in details about symmetric or asymmetric algorithms) are well beyond 256 bits.

Simplicity is the ideal lens for capturing 'the complex'

I apologize for the over simplification, its just that I do like "simple", and think fondly of the KISS rule/acronym. The simple truth is that "encryption isn't good enough":

Article - 2016 - hacker & bank (actually reported)

Article - 2016 - University employees vulnerable - tax data breach

Article - 2015 - Lloyd's CEO on the cost of cyber attachs

Article - 2015 - - average costs

Article - 2014 - washington post - cost of cyber crimes 11 data breaches that stung US consumers

2014 - data breaches by industry

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Prime Number Generator: Chapter 3 - the Generator

The Generator

Here is the original statement of my Prime Number Generator. There is a Formula followed by restrictions:


The  n Î No  is unnecessary – including the first prime, the even prime, “2” is irrelevant in the scope of its application to encryption. As a utilitarian methodology, it is not needed (see the revised expression below).


Let's revisit this expression and simplify it

If we omit "2", then this equation is much simpler: 


          P = 2n+1


n ¹ 4R(R+1)/2 + (2R+1)m
or, expressed differently
n ¹ 2R2+2R(m+1) + m

For demonstration purposes only, an old JavaScript based version is available at

So where's the fun in an older, slower, sieve based Prime Number Generator?

When teaching Math and Physics I start class with a quote and some tidbits. One such tidbit involves Mersenne Primes. I became aware of the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search at For years they offered a $250,000 reward for the first person that found a 1 billion digit Mersenne Prime.
Oh yes, I verified this challenge!
I encouraged my students to pursue this, offering them my Prime Number Generator, and my assistance with the technologies involved. A number of groups embraced the challenge, however, they did not persevere. Then some number of years ago, the URL's by which I had verified this reward had disappeared. I couldn’t verify the $250,000 reward, and I certainly didn't want to mention a reward that "might not be available".

One of the drawbacks to a sieve approach is the amount of memory needed to continue the pattern. Essentially it is necessary to remember the past. This is considered a drawback, and certainly it would be for a normal sieve.
It's like making a snow man, the more your roll the snowball, in the snow, the larger it becomes.

Time to play

A few years ago I decided to play with my original generator. During that time I became aware of an interesting pattern that emerges if one gets creative with the binary sequences that would generate a very large prime. Essentially it would be possible to generate an “organic sieve” that could be used to perpetuate this continued pattern. Run the organic sieve for a few hours today, then again in a week for a few more hours. Every time it is run, it grows - and can then be used to reveal more prime numbers.
An organic sieve could be called "Frosty the snow man". It grows just like cited above. The difference being, that the molecules of frozen water in "Frosty", each can point to a prime number.
The existing “prime numbers” are essentially the generators (or eliminators in the sequence) of the, yet to be generated primes. If one were to creatively design a data structure to hold “the generated primes” in such a way that this “organic sieve” not only represents a “projector to known primes”, but a generator of “yet to be known” primes, then it becomes a growing entity that can be static in use, or dynamic in the generation of more primes. 

In other words, this organic sieve in its static state is like a write once, read many times, lookup table. Use it today to quickly look up any “known prime”. If in a few years, one wants more “immensely large primes”, then run the organic sieve dynamically for a few days, and it will grow, producing an even larger “static form” that can be used to look up more “immensely large primes”.

How big, is big?

Consider for a moment that a 1 billion digit Mersenne prime would require just about half a GB (more than 415 billion bytes) just to store. This means that half a GB of RAM would be used to simply hold this enormous Mersenne Prime. A similar amount of space would be needed to store it – a single prime number.

The one drawback if you will, is the size of this “organic sieve”. An organic sieve that represents all prime numbers up to and including this 1-billion-digit prime would require approx. 780 trillion bytes. 

Altruistic anyone?

I didn’t bother to finish this organic sieve. It wasn't sufficiently interesting beyond the concept stage, nor was it important enough in comparison to CORA. I mention it here because, you surely know that there are so many incredibly smart people in this world. I am confident that others have already done this. 

Bottom line – primes are obtainable in an efficient manner. Hence, Encryption isn’t a safe manner to protect data – static data. Encryption may be fine for communication – data in transit – however, as should be obvious with the number of reported breaches and loss of data and money – encryption is breakable!

Memory lane

I have shared this little trip down memory lane with you, in the hope that you will more fully realize “why encryption doesn’t cut it any more”. As our computers become more powerful, and can generate larger prime numbers, they are also more powerful in the finding of these prime numbers, particularly if one is using a prime number generator, or an organic sieve.

This was my motivation to develop CORA! 

Should there be any fellow math enthusiasts and/or technology lovers out there that would like to delve into this generator or organic sieve, enjoy, and let me know how it goes.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Prime Number Generator: Chapter 2 - the Validation

It is a peculiar taste one acquires as the currents of time write the truth on the walls of experience.
How can one truly understand the realities that exists beneath the colors one projects onto the 3-dimensional landscape of desire, hope and belief? 

Chapter 2 - the Validation

Was I moving towards truth as I walked to my meeting with Dr. Atkinson – filled with excitement mixed in with some “trepidation”? 
Was it “realistic” to believe that there was actually $100,000 available for the taking? In hind sight, it seems rather silly and trivial that I happened upon Eratosthenes' sieve, expressing patterns with summations and basic boundary conditions. 
Interesting connections that flair our taste buds – sweet and sour, salty and sweet, bitter and sweet, excited and nervous, prime numbers and monetary rewards, encryption and CORA. 
I put one foot in front of the other and walked head on into the lion’s lair, to meet Dr. Atkinson. He was truly kind and disarming; very approachable and down to earth. 
A bashful 18-year-old with a strange mix of certitude and confidence, that was fueled by thoughts of $100,000, sat with Dr. Atkinson whose smile was warm and comforting. 

I was summoned to the University to speak with Dr. Barry Fawcett. I was left with some papers that were correspondences between Dr. Fawcett and Dr. Atkinson.
Dr. Fawcett to Dr. Atkinson - 1977 - about Latouf's Prime # generator.
page 1 of 3
 What happened during this meeting you ask? What did Dr. Fawcett say?

  1. My prime number generator did generate the entire set of prime numbers. 
  2. It was similar to Eratosthenes’ sieve but did have some merit as it simplified the calculations. (see Chapter 3 for a surprising discovery about "organic-sieves")
  3. There was no reward. (sad face - the $100,000 was noteworthy as an incentive, but fell short as a reward)
  4. There were two other prime number generators developed my mathematicians, one group in Russia, and another out West.
  5. He suggested that mine had some merit as it involved fewer variables
    (3 rather than 10).

Dr Fawcett suggested that I should write an article in a Mathematical Journal. Sadly, I had no idea what that would involve, or what significance an article to a journal would have.
I had never even seen such a journal, or article. Moreover, in an instant, I had lost $100,000 – or so it felt.


Dr. Fawcett went on to explain why prime numbers are important. 

Encryption uses prime numbers as the keys that lock and unlock data. If two very large prime numbers are (simplified version) multiplied together, they will produce an even larger number. This composite number would have only two divisors that leave no remainder.
Simplification of how prime numbers are used in encryption

I left his office, papers in hand, and a wallet that felt very light indeed. I tucked away the memory of encryption and prime numbers until it would resurfaced again, many years later. 


This was many years before “the internet”, and many years before the notion of a “home computer” – we were still using “punch cards” to enter instructions into a computer.

I blinked

I was no longer programming in Fortran 77. I hadn’t seen a punch card for decades. I was typing my instructions directly into a computer as I watched these programs execute in real time - on my monitor - WOW. 

I loved the freedom and complexities that programs like C brought to the playing field. I reveled in the convenience of IDE’s like Borland C, then C++. 

Modems appeared on the scene and suddenly I began to cave in and use passwords on my computer. The Internet appeared – such a brave new world.

Then one day I encrypted a technology base I was working on and decided to upload it to "the Internet" for safe storage, and I remembered – encryption – and the keys – prime numbers. 

Yes, if anyone really wanted to unlock my technology, they could simply try all the large primes until they found “my keys”. If they too had a prime number generator, then the time required to find those keys would be greatly reduced. I realized that encryption was not protecting my data from everyone, but rather, only from those who would never acquire it in the first place.

Still to come

Chapter 3 - the Generator (will be posted this Thursday, 19 May 2016)

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Prime Number Generator: Chapter 1 - the Challenge

My next few posts will constitute a “sub series” about my Prime Number Generator. This series is related to a far broader and more important series on “Encryption – breaking the myth”.
In the last two posts, I have endeavored to present empirical data. Pragmatically one may easily recognize that:
1. Encryption is being used to secure data.
2. Breaches have occurred.
3. Readable data was acquired by those who don’t have a right to the data.
4. Conclusion: Encryption is failing to properly secure data.

Chapter 1 – the Challenge

The year is 1977. Location: Windsor Ontario, Canada. Yes, once upon a time, Ontario had 5 years of high school. Juniors are in grades 9 and 10. Seniors are grouped into grades 11, 12 & 13.

Happily, there were three math courses offered in Grade 13, and this lover of math signed up for all three.

Mr. Taylor taught Algebra. He was introducing “Prime numbers”. Optimistically he endeavored to engage his students by announcing a $100,000 reward for anyone that developed a prime number generator - for the entire set.

I would like to think I was motivated by “the challenge”, however, truth be said, it was the money. I became excited. Didn’t much care for the homework, but I couldn’t wait to get home to work on it. I found my way to the dining room table, and delved into the possibilities. Numbers scattered across reams of paper, patterns everywhere – but which pattern might be “the one”?

Math is beautiful – I was enjoying the challenge, the possibilities, the patterns. When all is said and done, math and science is basically about patterns that can be interpreted and reproduced.
After a few weeks, and more paper than I had ever used for “home work”, I had distilled the patterns down to one, that worked for all prime numbers except for the lonely, even numbered - prime number of “2”. 
If I had understood back then “why” prime numbers were important, I wouldn’t have wasted another moment on “the technicality” of included “2” in the output produced by my prime number generator. Perhaps I thought like a lawyer, or a strategist, but I couldn’t take a chance that, omitting “2”, might ruin my chance of winning the reward.
I approached Mr. Taylor at school during lunch. As a prelude to my bottom line, I advised him that I had the prime number generator, then asked how I go about claiming the $100,000. 
At first he smirked as though I was pulling his leg with a sarcastic prank, then as he realized that I “wanted the money”, he arranged for me to see Dr. Harold Atkinson, the head of the math department at the University of Windsor.

Fellow classmates C. Collins and D. Girard translated this Prime Number generator into “WATFIV”, using those good ole punch cards and a large main frame computer. The printout included a large number of prime numbers as an early, pragmatically driven test of this prime number generator. These printouts along with the mathematical representation of the generator were brought to Dr. Atkinson.

Latouf's Prime Number Generator - Chapter 1 - the challenge.

Still to come:

Chapter 2 - the Validation (Tuesday, 17 May 2016)
Chapter 3 - the Generator (Thursday, 19 May 2016)

Encryption - breaking the myth series - part 2

Lets start this quest for “truth” with a breaking story – from 2014:
This was reported through, and it this were the only report, then one might doubt its reality. But this breach hit all the news outlets!
Lets show what eBay said, which has been restated many times through the press.
  1. eBay had your passwords “Encrypted”.
  2. eBay’s Encrypted Passwords were stolen.
  3. eBay told you to “Change your Passwords”.
Have we all “connected the dots”? If Encryption works, then why “change my password”?

OK, I get it, someone broke in, and stole all of this encrypted data. But doesn’t encrypted mean they “can’t read it”? That’s what it is suppose to mean, but in fact, it doesn’t work!
If they want to “unlock” the encrypted data, they can – just takes a bit of time.
OK, I get it, Encryption is like my old “teddy bear” – it feels good, makes me feel safe!
But we’re not safe! Cyber crime is costing us over $100 billion dollars a year!
Do you really think our banks, corporations and businesses are “taking the hit” for the rest of us?
  • If you believe encryption is safe…
  • If you believe these big companies are “not passing on these losses to all of us“…
  • If you don’t want your personal data to be protected, even if someone breaks into a server.
  • If you don’t want to spend less for insurance, banking, taxes, and buying “things”
Then I wish you well, and hope you enjoy your “teddy bear” !
If you do care. If you do realize that this “old breach from 2014” has been followed by far too many breaches. Then you do want to:
  • read about CORA (at – which will actually protect your data, even if someone breaks into a server.
  • tell your banker about CORA
  • tell your insurance agent about CORA
  • tell your government representative about CORA
  • tell your neighbor about CORA
  • tell your company about CORA
  • share this article on social media
  • share about CORA on social media

Encryption – breaking the myth

Why do ostriches bury their heads in the sand?
Does Donald Trump really believe it sensible to build a wall between the US and Mexico?
Will encryption protect our data?
Search for the Truth
There are so many myths to muse about! They sound great. Myths are easy to remember. They play well with others – the myth that is.
Ostriches bury their “eggs” in the sand. Just for a moment – it appears to bury its head – when turning the eggs.
Don't bury your head in a myth
Encryption protects communication. Just for a moment – it appears to protect static data – if no one ever steals it.

Let’s take a closer look.

Have you seen the “Imitation Game”? Even though the Enigma machine was adhering to its truest purpose, protecting communication, Turing broke the encryption - daily.
Think of encryption as a safe. It is a good safe. The locking mechanism is very good – prime numbers. So what’s the problem?
Just like in the “real world”, if someone steals the “entire safe”, they get the contents as well. Once that safe is in their back yard, it is only a matter to time!

What evidence is there that encryption can be broken?

When eBay’s breach occurred back in 2014, their user base, complete with encrypted passwords was stolen. That’s right, encrypted passwords. And what did they say? “Change your passwords”. Why would they warn users to change their passwords when they were encrypted? Isn’t the answer obvious? Those in the industry know the answer!
Encryption can be broken.
Adele’s Photo Hack (like other celebrities) involved combinations of iCloud and email services. Bottom line, encryption can be broken.
The Cloud needs a security service that supersedes encryption.
In simple terms, prime numbers are the keys that lock and unlock encryption. 128-bit encryption versus 256-bit encryption tells us how large these keys are. They are very large. The larger they are, the more difficult it is to find the key. So where’s the problem?
Computers are more powerful every day. Prime number generators exist. Modern computers equipped with prime number generators can do in seconds what it would have taken Turing’s computer, years to compute during the second world war.
What’s the alternative? We need to do something to protect our data in the Cloud.
CORA Cyber Security Inc.
The answer is CORA (Context Ordered Replacement Algorithm). Read more about this “unbreakable data security” at and download your free CORA Explorer at .